Using Webp solves the "Serve images in next-gen formats" issue in Google Pagespeed Insights.
In short, WebP compresses the file better, all other things being equal, than older formats (png and jpeg) - which means it takes up less space on the hosting and loads faster in the browser when viewing the page.
The implementation of WebP is actively promoted by Google - they provide such statistics:
Image optimization is special processing of a graphic file in order to minimize its size without loss of visual quality.
To carry out this procedure, there are a large number of fairly complex algorithms. However, they are all based on the same basis - all the service data there (for example, the name of the program that stores the file, etc.) must be removed from the graphic file, and also, using special programs, merge / smooth similar colors.
As a result, we get the same image, which visually has not changed. However, the volume (weight) of this file in bytes will be much less than the original. If this processing is carried out correctly, the image file can be reduced to 98% without losing image quality.
This means that the pictures on the pages of the site will be loaded many times faster after the optimization.
It has been proven that website acceleration can improve behavioral factors, as well as increase website conversion (increase sales). The longer the page of the site loads, the fewer customers will be able to perform certain target actions there. If your site on the Internet will not work fast enough, you have every chance to miss your potential income. Acceleration of the online resource will provide an opportunity to improve the conversion and due to this significantly increase revenue and attract more customers.
A page of any site most often consists of:
Such an item as an image occupies most of the entire volume on the site’s pages and is the “heaviest” part of the pages. Reduction (optimization) of images will undoubtedly significantly make it faster to download any online resource.
Accordingly, if you change (down) the size of the images, all pages of the site will start loading much faster.
Compressing the images on the site will make it possible to reduce their volume to 75-98%, without losing their visual quality.
or php.ini
php_value auto_prepend_file "<SITE_ROOT_DIRECTORY>/optipic-cdn-php/optipic-cdn-php/auto_prepend_file.php"
; Automatically add files before PHP document. ; auto_prepend_file = <SITE_ROOT_DIRECTORY>/optipic-cdn-php/optipic-cdn-php/auto_prepend_file.php
# OptiPic CDN: insert it into the Server structure location ~* \.(png|jpg|jpeg)$ { resolver; # Google DNS set $cdn_host_value ""; set $from_optipic "yes"; # to disable CDN OptiPic - set "no" value if ($arg_no_optipic) { set $from_optipic "no"; set $cdn_host_value $host; } proxy_redirect off; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header Host $cdn_host_value; if ($from_optipic = "yes") { rewrite ^/(.*) /site-XXXXXX/$1 break; proxy_pass http://$cdn_host_value; } # get-param ?no_optipic=1 - get image from your hosting directly (without CDN OptiPic) try_files $uri 404; }
— ID of your site in your CDN OptiPic accountnginx -t
. nginx -s reload
(Apache proxying)#--------------------------------------- # OptiPic CDN # Requires enabled Apache modules: `rewrite`, `proxy_module` and `proxy_http_module` # Add new 'IfModule mod_rewrite.c' block or inject into exist one # Get support: <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On SSLProxyEngine On RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !no_optipic= RewriteRule "^(.*)\.(jpg|jpeg|png)$" "$1.$2" [P] </IfModule> #----------------------------------------
— ID of your site in your CDN OptiPic account.htaccess
, we strongly recommend that you make a backup of the file and make sure you have FTP access to the file.<img src="/upload/foo/bar/image.png">
<img src="//">
— ID of your site in your CDN OptiPic account