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NetCat acceleration - proven solutions

Website loading Speed at NetCat is an important criterion of a website’s success. First and foremost the acceleration of a site automatically increases its conversion.
And it directly helps improve the main business objective of a website which is to generate more leads and more sales.

Accelerate NetCat and increase conversion up to 30%

Studies show that when a site is accelerated by only 100 milliseconds, the conversion gets increased by 5%. By 2.4% on desktop devices and by 7.1% on mobile devices.

Acceleration by 1 second increases the conversion rate by 20%.

Acceleration by 2 seconds increases conversion by 30%.

Improve position in the TOP by accelerating NetCat

Moreover, there is an additional advantage. Speed of NetCat is directly related to behavioral factors that adversely affect the ranking of a website in search results.

If you increase the download speed of NetCat, this will reduce the probability of failure, visitors will perceive the site more positively, they will spend more time on your website. All of this will be highly estimated by search engines in their score results.

Image optimization is the most simple and effective method to speed up NetCat

By optimizing the images it is possible to significantly reduce the total amount of data (in bytes) that is loaded on the page. For example, total page size is reduced to 2 MB from 20 MB. Page capacity of 2 MB will load much faster than the previous version of the page with a volume of 20 MB. This is exactly how NetCat download is accelerated. - the easiest way to optimize images in NetCat

Our service allows you to automate routine and labor-intensive task of compressing and optimizing images. The connection to the website takes literally 2 minutes. And everything works automatically - all you need is to configure compression settings only once.

Checkout how easy it is to accelerate NetCat

Why choose us?

2023-02-28 07:37:00

2023-01-11 18:01:00

2022-12-05 15:41:00

2022-11-25 10:54:00

2022-11-07 15:46:00

How to get started with OptiPic service for NetCat for image compression?

How much do we charge for image compression?
One-time payment — no monthly fees

10 MB

Up to 200 MB

100 MB

$2.00 $1

2 GB

$11.00 $8

4 GB

$22.00 $16

Возможности и преимущества

Ускорение загрузки сайта

Сжатие изображений ускоряет сайт согласно Google PageSpeed Insights. Кроме этого наши специалисты готовы провести комплексное ускорение сайта.

Автоматическое сжатие

Полностью автоматизированный процесс. Просто подключайте сайт к сервису и система сама будет искать все изображения и сжимать их.

Мониторинг изменений

Сервис постоянно будет искать измененные и новые только что добавленные изображения и ставить их в очередь на сжатие.

Простое подключение

Легко подключить к любому сайту на PHP. Поддерживаются все известные CMS и фреймворки, а также самописные сайты на PHP.

Отличное сжатие

Выбирайте на свой вкус - сжатие картинок без потери качества, или с потерей качества но максимальной эффективностью сжатия до 98%.

Resize (уменьшение)

Укажите максимально возможную ширину и высоту. И изображения будут уменьшаться по максимальной стороне до указанных размеров.

Сохранение оригиналов

Сервис работает абсолютно безопасно и осторожно. При сжатии изображений на сайте их оригинальные версии сохраняются рядом.

Русскоязычная поддержка

Российские разработчики с быстрой и доступной технической поддержкой. Есть вопросы? Обязательно обращайтесь!

Бесплатная демонстрация

После регистрации вы получаете 10МБ на свой счет. А поштучно сжимать изображения через веб-интерфейс вы можете без ограничений.

Гибкое ценообразование

Выбирайте, за что вам удобнее платить - за эффективность или за трафик. Без регулярных платежей.

Акции и скидки

Мы постоянно проводим уникальные акции и предоставляем скидки. Рекомендуйте нас своим друзьям, парнерам и клиентам — получайте бонусы.

Партнерская программа

Привлекайте клиентов и получайте комиссию со всех покупок привлеченных клиентов на постоянной основе.

How to increase the speed of NetCat on the front-end side (client acceleration)


In addition to compressing the acceleration images NetCat on the front-end side, one can also achieve through the optimization of other components:

  • Caching of static files on the server side (images, css, js).
  • Combining css.
  • Compressing css.
  • Joining js.
  • Compression js.
  • Transferring css and js to the bottom of the html code page.
  • Disabling unnecessary scripts and widgets.

Accelerating the download NetCat on the back-end (server acceleration)

Server-side acceleration is the goal of minimizing page generation time by the server. This is usually promoted by the following methods:

  • Changing the hosting or server to a more powerful one
  • Optimization of web server settings (apache, nginx, php-fpm).
  • Optimize the settings for mysql (or another sub-site that the site uses).
  • Caching database queries.
  • Caching queries against third-party APIs.
  • Caching of everything that is possible (Composite site technology and the like)
  • Refactoring and optimization of php-code logic.

The OptiPic experts know all the subtleties of acceleration and are ready to tackle the complex acceleration of your site. Contact us if you need the maximum acceleration of your site.

Improving Website Performance with Pagespeed Netcat

Slow website loading times can have a significant impact on user experience and ultimately, the success of a website. One powerful tool that developers and site owners can use to optimize and enhance their website's performance is Pagespeed Netcat.

What is Pagespeed Netcat?

Pagespeed Netcat is an open-source command-line tool developed by Google that analyzes and optimizes web pages to achieve faster page load times. It offers a wide range of optimizations, from minifying HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files to optimizing image assets and leveraging browser caching.

How does Pagespeed Netcat work?

When you run Pagespeed Netcat, it fetches the specified webpage and applies various optimization techniques to improve its performance. It then provides detailed analysis and suggestions on possible further optimizations.

Some of the key optimizations performed by Pagespeed Netcat include:

  • Minification of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: Pagespeed Netcat removes unnecessary characters, whitespaces, and comments from these files to reduce their size, resulting in faster downloads.
  • Image optimization: The tool can automatically compress and resize images, reducing their file sizes without compromising quality. This leads to faster image loading times on webpages.
  • Leveraging browser caching: By setting appropriate caching headers, Pagespeed Netcat enables browsers to store certain resources locally, allowing for faster subsequent page loads.

How to use Pagespeed Netcat?

Using Pagespeed Netcat is relatively straightforward, as it only requires a few steps:

  1. First, ensure you have Pagespeed Netcat installed on your system. It requires a somewhat technical setup process, so it may be helpful to consult the official documentation for detailed instructions.
  2. Once installed, open the command-line interface on your system and navigate to the appropriate directory.
  3. Execute the 'pagespeed' command followed by the URL of the webpage you want to analyze and optimize. For example:

Pagespeed Netcat will then run the analysis and optimization process, providing detailed feedback and suggestions on improving your website's page load times.


Optimizing website performance is crucial for ensuring a smooth and enjoyable user experience. By leveraging the powerful capabilities of Pagespeed Netcat, developers and site owners can identify and implement various optimizations that enhance their webpage loading speeds. Incorporating Pagespeed Netcat into your development workflow can lead to significant improvements in website performance and overall user satisfaction.

OptiPic allows you to speed up all CMS, frameworks and self-signed sites
here are some of them

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