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Saving originals

We appreciate your images. Therefore, we developed a special option, which will preserve the original version of the image before the image is compressed.

The original versions of the images are saved on your site - right near to the compressed version. The original version of the images has the same name, and .optipic-orig is added to the file extension. For example, the file name was abcde.png. Then the compressed version is saved in the same abcde.png file, and the original is saved in the abcde.png.optipic-orig file.

This option is configured on the site settings page:
Profile > My Sites

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2023-02-28 07:37:00

2023-01-11 18:01:00

2022-12-05 15:41:00

2022-11-25 10:54:00

2022-11-07 15:46:00

How to get started with OptiPic for image compression?

How much do we charge for image compression?
One-time payment — no monthly fees

10 MB

Up to 200 MB

100 MB

$2.00 $1

2 GB

$11.00 $8

4 GB

$22.00 $16

Other features of OptiPic

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